Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln

Langkloof Bricks

Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln - Benefits

The VSBK is a continuous updraught kiln that contributes towards a significant reduction in energy consumption during the brick firing process, by more than 50%, resulting in reduced carbon emissions, fuel consumption, manufacturing costs and minimal wastage.

The VSBK originated in China in the 1970’s. Through the support of SDC, this technology has been significantly improved and re-pioneered in Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Vietnam.

The SA-VSBK Project Team was put together to oversee the implementation of the technology in South Africa and to perfect existing VSBK designs, as had been developed in other parts of the world.

It is this light that Langkloof Bricks made use of this Open Source programme to construct the most technologically advanced VSBK shafts in the world.

The Clay Brick sector in South Africa is a modern state of the art industry as far as mining and green brick production is concerned (green being unfired).

However, faced with impending environmental regulations, the brick entrepreneurs, especially those making use of more traditional firing techniques will soon be forced to source cleaner, more, energy efficient brick firing methods in an effort to create a cleaner environment.

The VSBK is an environment-friendly project that reportedly satisfies all the criteria of sustainable development and complies with government’s call for a 33% reduction in South Africa’s carbon footprint by 2020.

The VSBK offers a solution that will reduce coal consumption by up to 50% and improve the energy efficiency of the brick-firing process as well as lead to a 50% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The VSBK process cuts the time of brick firing from eight weeks using the clamp method to just 24 hours.

It also reduces particle matter, which causes most of the respiratory illnesses in the labour force, by 90%. The VSBK offers safer and healthier working conditions, as workers are not exposed to the elements because of the roof over the top of the kiln.

This will result in improved labour efficiency. In addition, the technology for the VSBK requires specialist skills, which will increase worker knowledge,

Clay Brick Eastern Southern Cape Resources

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Clay Brick Eastern Southern Cape